
2012: a passionate work culture

I follow Fast Company on Twitter and read the article "8 Rules For Creating a Passionate Work Culture" yesterday. It starts out talking about Ken Thomson, who was at one time the 9th richest man in the world (worth billions), who insisted a can of soup for lunch, department store suits, and his old patched up shoes  suited him just fine. And while Thomson left behind an empire of millions and a collection of fine art, his real legacy was the relationships he built and nurtured. Humbling coming from a man practically made of money. Anyways, the whole thing is about hiring people who feel and are valued, remaining self-aware in a business sense, and acknowledging what is or is not working. My favorite part: "Cultive good people and keep them." Seriously, take the 3 minutes and read it. As for the 8 rules:

1. Hire the right people
2. Communicate 
3. Tend to the weeds
4. Work hard, play hard
5. Be ambitious
6. Celebrate differences
7. Create the space
8. Take the long view

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